Friday, April 9, 2021

Ngā Tāoreore

Ko ngā tāoneone tuatahi ēnei mai i ngā tau 7 - 8. He mahi tino pārekareka ki a rātou. Kei whea mai!

Ko te aha te wā? Mahi ai au i ēnei mea ia rā ia rā, ia pō ia pō. 
Nā Jordyn.  

He rā hou tēnei.  Ahakoa ka heke mai ngā roimata o Ranginui, ka puta mai i ngā hihi o Tamanui te rā. Nā Ngawini

Piro! Ko CTW te toa ki ngā pūkenga poitūkohu. Nā Cassius.TW 

"Zap"  Nā Pheenyx.GH

Kia haumarutia ki te taraiwa waka. Nā Wairua

Ka rukuhia te kowhai waka ātea. Nā Te Ahipene

Robots could destroy! Te Whakamutunga o te ao. Nā Kaharau

Safe Driving. Haumarutanga i te rori. Nā Che 

Te Kuini o te Pō. I ngā wā o mua, ko tētahi wahinetoa e noho ana ki te moutere o te pōuriuri.  Anei tana pūrākau. Nā Te Amomai Pene


  1. Kia ora Te Kohure,
    What fantastic animations. I love your great ideas and creativity. Ka rawe to those learners who used only shapes and created everything from scratch. Go you.
    Ngā mihi,

  2. Tena koutou Te Kōhure, ka mau te wehi ki ōkū mahi rangatira.

    1. Na Te Whanau Puāwaitanga o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Manurewa e mihi atu nei kia koutou.

    2. Kia ora rawa atu mō tā koutou mihi


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